Learn everything you need to know to start your own vegetable garden.

Rutabaga Care

Rutabagas grow well in full sun and moist, well-drained soil. A root crop, rutabagas demand quick-draining, loose soil for best root production. Plant rutabagas in raised beds if your garden soil is clay or boggy. Plant rutabaga seeds directly in the garden. The young, delicate roots are tricky to transplant. In mild winter areas, sow seeds in mid- to late summer so the crop reaches maturity when temperatures cool in late fall or winter. Rutabagas typically require 12 to 16 weeks to reach maturity. In cold winter areas, plant rutabaga seeds in summer. Aim for a planting date that is about 12 weeks before the first predicted fall frost. Rutabagas will tolerate a light frost, and cool weather brings out their sweet flavors. A thick layer of mulch spread over the soil surface in late fall will prevent the roots from freezing and extend the harvest by a couple of weeks. Sow rutabaga seeds 2 inches apart and ½ inch deep in rows 12 inches apart. When seedlings are several inches tall, thin them to stand 6 inches apart so roots have room to grow. Use the greens from the thinned seedlings in salads. Rutabagas are ready to harvest when they are between tennis ball and softball size. Roots larger than a softball are generally tough and lacking in flavor. Several light frosts will bring out sweet flavors, so don’t hesitate to leave roots in the ground for additional days at the end of the season. Harvest rutabagas by gently pulling them or lifting them out of the ground with a digging fork.