Low-growing varieties of meadow rue are especially striking when paired with heaths, heathers, Scotch moss, armeria, and petite hosta cultivars. Add low-growing meadow rue to alpine and rock gardens, provided they have moist, rich soil. Meadow rue languishes in dry, sandy locations, often not returning the following spring. Bring more bees to your garden with these flowers.

Meadow Rue Care Must-Knows

Meadow rue grows best in part shade. It will tolerate full sun if it is planted in moist soil that is rich in organic matter. A great plant for woodland and meadow gardens, as well as rain gardens and pollinator patches, meadow rue is an easy-to-grow plant provided that its soil and moisture requirements are met. Sometimes tough to find in the garden center, meadow rue is often grouped with shade plants and woodland perennials. Ask your local garden center to carry the plant for you or check online sources. Meadow rue is slow to emerge from the soil in spring; some years its foliage will not emerge until late spring. Stake tall varieties of meadow run in midsummer to prevent the heavy bloom stalks from toppling over, or plant 3 meadow rue plants together and allow the stems to support each other. Create a lush woodland garden with this plan.

More Varieties of Meadow Rue

Plant Meadow Rue With: